ACP's leaders are hard at work! We need your help!

Thank you for your support of ACP! Our leaders are working hard to improve our value proposition and serve you better. To do that we need your ideas and honest feedback. Thanks for any thoughts you can share! 

Question Title

* 1. Can you identify the most important reasons you are a member of ACP? 

  Not important Somewhat important Moderately important Important Very important
Local chapter networking
Virtual educational events
Speakers bureau participation
Capella University discount program
Influence on wider continuity profession
Want to give back to the profession
Need to influence thought leadership among continuity professionals
ACP publications and resources (First Book of Best Practices)

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* 2. If we were inventing ACP today, what would our purpose be? 

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* 3. What can ACP do better? Can you help us identify our most urgent needs?

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* 4. What has been your biggest frustration with ACP?

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* 5. Chapters are vitally important to ACP. Which statements about chapters shown below are true in your experience?

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* 6. ACP needs to prioritize how we improve services to members. Can you please indicate how important each of the following are to you?

  No value Not very important Somewhat important Important Very important
Face to face networking opportunities
Regional or national face to face workshop or conference
Partnering with other continuity organizations to develop new resources
Virtual conferences and workshops for continuity professionals
Promoting the profession to the wider business community
Publicize speaker's bureau
Virtual forum or listserv for members
More recognition of chapter activities
Stronger leadership development program
More technology-based resources
Mentoring and early career development assistance
Development of case studies

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* 7. Think about other professional continuity organizations. Can you name three organizations and in a few words explain how ACP is different from them? 

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* 8. Can you think of something ACP provides, that no other organization provides? If so, what is it?

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* 9. Is there anything else you can share regarding ACP and where we should be focused for the next few years?

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* 10. Can you help? Please indicate any of the areas below where you may be able to help ACP grow. Don't forget to include your name and email in the contact section.