Constable Care Foundation, in partnership with Primary Ethics (a not for profit organisation in New South Wales) is launching the School Ethics Program (title TBC) in WA Department of Education Primary Schools in 2023. Click for Primary Ethics' lesson information:  
Schools can register which year levels will be participating, their preferred day of the week, and a regular 30 minute timeslot.
Constable Care Foundation will provide ongoing support, development, mentoring and coaching for volunteers. 
We are recruiting volunteers who:
  • are not a parent or carer of a student in the same class of the school at which they are volunteering
  • will commit to a 45-60 minute block of time every week of the 2023 school year, through to December, inclusive. Lessons are 30 minutes in duration. Some preparation before and after each lesson is required.
  • will successfully complete the required free 18 hour training course 
  • have reliable internet, Zoom conferencing technology, good IT skills, a mobile phone and an email account that is checked daily
  • want to work with a class of up to 32 students
  • will provide their own transport to and from each session

The class teacher from the school will always be present during your ethics group sessions but will not participate in the discussion.
Volunteer registration  form
Please complete the form below with your details and preferences.
Thank you.

Question Title

* Where did you hear about the Ethics Pilot?

Question Title

* First Name

Question Title

* Last Name

Question Title

* Your contact email address

Question Title

* Street Address

Question Title

* Suburb

Question Title

* Postcode

Question Title

* Your mobile phone number

Question Title

* What is your date of birth?


Question Title

* What is/was your current/most recent regular occupation?

Question Title

* Where do you/did you most recently volunteer?

Question Title

* Why do you want to volunteer as an ethics discussion group facilitator...

Question Title

* I commit to volunteer at one or more of the schools in this area from January through to December 2023 inclusive. Free essential online training provided.

Question Title

* I am not a parent or carer of a child/children in this year level at the school/schools I have chosen to volunteer.

Question Title

* Teachers/Education Support Staff

Thank you for registering to deliver the CCF-PENSW School Ethics Program.
Please click on the Done button below and we will be in touch in the new year.