Faith-Based Community Initiative (FBCI) Survey 

The Alameda County Workforce Development Board, Oakland Workforce Development Board, and the Oakland Private Industry Council want to learn about how to link members of your congregation/faith-based organization to workforce development services, including business services.

Please take a moment to complete this survey so we can understand how to connect with your organization and members!

Questions about this survey may be directed to

1.Name of your Congregation/Faith-Based Organization (FBO)
2.Address of your Congregation/FBO
3.Name of Point Person
4.Phone Number of Point Person
5.Email of Point Person
6.What kinds of career and training support do you think members of your Congregation/FBO need right now? Check all that apply.
7.Is your Congregation/FBO interested in receiving monthly information about workforce development services, careers, employment, training, and employer resources and updates, via email?
8.How does your Congregation/FBO currently disseminate community resources to members? Check all that apply.
9.Which of the following business services will the members of your Congregation/FBO benefit from receiving? Check all that apply.
10.Would your Congregation/FBO agree to meet virtually with FBCI leadership to discuss initial implementation of our collaborative?
11.Are there upcoming events you may want to collaborate with the organizations of FBCI? Please explain:
12.Is there anything else you would like to share with us?