Archdiocese of Baltimore, Eastern Vicariate
St. John the Evangelist - Pastoral Visit, March 23, 2022
Preparatory Survey

Please submit by March 9

In order to help the visitation team prepare for your parish pastoral visit, please complete the following survey and return it to: Manuel Aliaga, Office of the Eastern Vicariate, Archdiocese of Baltimore, 320 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, or complete it here and submit by March 9.
1.Within your area of ministry, what is your greatest hope and opportunity within the parish and the greater external community?
2.Within your area of ministry, what are the greatest challenges that you face within the parish and with the greater external community?
3.What kind of support do you need to fulfill your greatest hopes and opportunities and to address your greatest challenges?
4.What do you want us to know about your parish as we prepare for your pastoral visit? How does the greater external community impact your parish and its ministry?
5.I serve the parish primarily in this capacity (mark all that apply):