For each question below, select the correct multiple choice or check box to provide your answer.

You must complete the quiz for each day and get 100% of the answers correct to stay in the running for the prize, and you must include your name and email on each entry

Question Title

* 1. True or False?: Pregnant women with gum disease and poor oral hygiene are at a lower risk of preterm birth.

Question Title

* 2. Infants fed on breastmilk have a microbiome rich in which two species of bacteria?

Question Title

* 3. Research looking at the microbiome of the built environment has demonstrated that the presence of a household pet such as a dog or a cat during childhood may contribute to a lower risk of developing which conditions in later life:

Question Title

* 4. At birth, the best way to strengthen a baby’s immune system is through exposure to commensal microbes (bugs that live on us, without hurting us) from:

Question Title

* 5. Studies examining the human gut microbiome in childhood have found that:
(2 correct answers)

Question Title

* 6. True or false: Microbiome researchers are pioneering research which may aid in the non-surgical diagnosis of endometriosis based on a disease-specific microbiome signature.

Question Title

* 7. Enter your information below to be in the running for the prize for most the correct answers: