Albany Nature Bus 2024

Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. Your answers and suggestions will be kept confidential and will help us improve the Nature Bus service. All questions are OPTIONAL.
1.Are you a visitor, or a resident of the City of Albany?
2.If you are a resident, please select the nearest neighborhood to your residence.
3.How often do you ride Nature Bus?
4.What is your gender?
5.How old are you?
6.Why are you taking Nature Bus today?
7.Where are you taking Nature Bus to today?
8.Why is it important to you to have Nature Bus? (Select up to 3)
9.How did you get to the Nature Bus stop today?
10.How did you first hear about Nature Bus?
11.How do you prefer to receive bus schedules and other information about Nature Bus?
12.Below, please feel free to offer your suggestions as to how we could improve Nature Bus transit.
13.Please include your contact information (email or phone number) if you are interested in receiving a free Nature Bus tote bag for filling out this survey. This applies to the first 12 respondents, so try for your chance to win!