Survey Length: 2 Minutes

Please take two minutes to help provide the best services possible.

Question Title

* 1. For this first group of questions, try to think about the information or support you received from Partners Resource Network-TEAM Project, not what happened if you acted upon the support.

Please indicate how much you agree, or disagree with each of the following statements.

(select one response in each row.)

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
A. The information or support you received from Partners Resource Network-TEAM Project met your needs.
B. You were able to understand the information you received from Partners Resource Network-TEAM Project.
C. The information Partners Resource Network-TEAM Project provided helped you learn more about how to meet your child's needs.
D. The information Partners Resource Network-TEAM Project provided was useful.

Question Title

* 2. For this next question, think about how the information or support you received from Partners Resource Network-TEAM Projectmay have prepared you for a variety of activities: working with your child’s school, program, or service provider to make decisions about your child and available options, to work with others to support your child, to become involved in meetings, or to resolve possible disputes.

I am prepared to use the information I received from Partners Resource Network - TEAM Project.

(select one response)

Question Title

* 3. Please indicate how much you agree, or disagree with the following statement. If you have not had the opportunity to interact with a school, program, or service provider, please select "not applicable".

I feel confident in my ability to work with my child's school or service provider to meet my child's needs.

Question Title

* 4. Would you recommend Partners Resource Network-TEAM Project to your friends and family?

Question Title

* 5. Who provided services to you?

Question Title

* 6. OPTIONAL: Please share any additional comments you have here.  

Thank you for our time and input! We use this information to provide continued growth and improvement at Partners Resource Network-TEAM Project! 

Visit our website for additional resources and latest news and events at or find us on Facebook @TEAMProject5.