The U.S. Congress established the Kidney Cancer Research Program (KCRP) with a $10 million (M) appropriation in fiscal year 2017 (FY17). From FY17-FY22, the KCRP received $185M in appropriations to invest in kidney research toward achieving its vision of eliminating kidney cancer through collaboration and discovery. This will be achieved through its mission to promote rigorous, innovative, high-impact research in kidney cancer for the benefit of Service Members, Veterans, and the American public. A Stakeholders meeting was held in 2017 to identify critical issues facing kidney cancer research and patient treatment, as well as to acknowledge the underfunded, understudied areas of research and patient care in the field of kidney cancer.
The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to assess which critical issues discussed in 2017 are still relevant today, and to identify new challenges to the kidney cancer field. The information collected will be used to inform the KCRP’s near-term investment strategy. Respondents are asked to provide their feedback by answering the questions below (please circle your answers for the multiple-choice questions).
For more information, please visit the KCRP website: