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* 1. How successful is the PTO in fulfilling the mission? 
The mission of the PTO is  to provide opportunities for community members, school staff, parents/caregivers, and students to come together (literally and figuratively, virtually and in person when possible) to support each other and make each other feel valued, welcomed, connected, and included. We are also focusing on programs that support growth mindset, social justice and social emotional learning.

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* 2. How can we improve?  Are there other things that we should consider including in our mission?

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* 3. Do you feel comfortable volunteering or offering suggestions to the PTO Leadership Team? 

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* 4. How is the Litchfield PTO's communication? Please comment on how we can improve.

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* 5. Are you interested in zoom presentations on any of the following topics? (Check all that apply)

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* 6. Is the PTO leadership team welcoming and friendly?