Welcome to day 2 the Implementation Science Health Conference Australia!

Please allow 5-10 minutes at the end of each day to complete the following evaluation survey.

Your responses will be used to allow our collaboration to evaluate the conference and inform future events. 

Question Title

* 1. Session 1: Health Inequities & Implementation Challenges.

Please rate the following statements:

  Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neutral Somewhat agree Strongly agree
Attending this conference session was worthwhile.
I gained new knowledge about health inequity
The speakers did an excellent job of connecting the content about health inequity about the challenges of implementation
I found the animation (shown in the Welcome) about ‘What is Implementation Science’ to be informative

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the following presenters in the program:

  N/A: didn't attend Not so good Ok Good Very good Excellent
Keynote Presentation – Prof Lisa Jackson-Pulver
Keynote Presentation – Dr Heidi Janssen
Keynote Presentation – Prof Chris Rissell
Session 1: Panel discussion

Question Title

* 3. Concurrent Session. 

Please rate the concurrent session that you attended:

  N/A: didn't attend Not so good Ok Good Very good Excellent
Health Equity & Public Health
Preparing for Implementation
Digital Health & Decision Support

Question Title

* 4. Session 2: Contemporary Methods in Implementation Science – Study Designs and Frameworks

Please rate the following statements:

  Strongly Disagree Somewhat disagree Neutral Somewhat agree Strongly agree
Attending this conference session was worthwhile.
I gained new knowledge about contemporary methods in implementation science
The speakers did an excellent job of conveying how methods in implementation science are operationalized in practice

Question Title

* 5. Please rate the following presenters in the program:

  N/A: didn't attend No so good Ok Good Very good Excellent
Keynote Presentation – Dr Joanna Moullin
Keynote Presentation – Ms Julie Gawthorne
Keynote Presentation – A/Prof Serene Yoong
Session 2: Panel discussion

Question Title

* 6. Session 3: Balancing Patient and Clinical Outcomes with Implementation Outcomes

Please rate the following statements:

  Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neutral Somewhat agree Strongly agree
Attending this conference session was worthwhile.
I gained new knowledge about implementation outcomes
The speakers did an excellent job of conveying how researchers and clinicians balance different outcomes in implementation research

Question Title

* 7. Please rate the following presenters in the program:

  N/A: didn't attend Not so good Ok Good Very good Excellent
Panellist – Dr Trish Bradd
Panellist – Prof Russell Gruen
Panellist – Prof Luke Wolfenden
Chair – Dr Nicole Rankin

Question Title

* 8. Overall

  Poor Not very good Ok Very good Excellent
How would you rate the ISHCA website experience today?

Question Title

* 9. What did you find inspiring about today?

Question Title

* 10. What could be improved for ISHCA 22?

Question Title

* 11. Do you have any other comments to share?