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1. Using your data to create aggregated survey results and using these results in a report that will be shared on the Telstra Health website and relevant marketing channels
2. No personal information will be shared in the report
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Question Title

* 1. Your details

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* 2. Type of organisation

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* 4. Has your organisation increased the number and range of virtual care services provided as a result of COVID?

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* 5. If yes, do you believe these services will continue to grow as part of your service delivery model, on an ongoing basis?

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* 6. Which of the following services does your organisation currently provide?

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* 7. How would you rate your organisation’s current level of maturity in delivering virtual care?

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* 8. Where has your organisation had most success with virtual care?

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* 9. What are the most significant benefits that virtual care offers to an organisation like yours? Rank in order of most to least (1 being the most and 6 being the least) valuable/significant.

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* 10. If you rated 'improvements to patient care' highly, please provide details. Or if you have other significant benefits to note, please specify.

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* 11. What are the key blockers to successfully implementing and realising the value of virtual care in organisations like yours? Rank in order of which blockers have the most to least (1 being the most and 6 being the least) impact.

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* 12. If you have other key blockers to note, please specify.

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* 13. Has your organisation recently invested in its virtual care capability? If so, what has been invested in?