Community Input Forum

Thank you for providing your candid input as we seek the next Superintendent of Schools for the San Marino USD. Your voice as a community member is important to San Marino USD.

聖瑪利諾學區正在尋找下一位學區總監,感謝您為此所提供的坦誠和寶貴的意見。 作為社區成員,您的聲音對聖瑪利諾學區至關重要。

Question Title

* 1. Rate each of the following in order of importance from 1 to 5: where 1 = high importance and 5 = low importance.
請按其重要性從1到5對以下各項進行評分:其中1 =非常重要,5 =不太重要。

Question Title

* 2. In your opinion, what are the professional and personal characteristics you see as most important for moving San Marino Unified to the next level of excellence?


Question Title

* 3. My perspective on San Marino Unified School District comes from being a (check all that apply).


Question Title

* 4. Is there anything else you wish to add as the School Board seeks your input with regard to the Superintendent profile?
