
Dear Professor,

EIASM would like to ask you to participate in a brief survey about doctoral education offering. Following the Covid-19 pandemic and in our polycrisis times, which saw the emergence of new research subjects and methods of teaching and interaction, it seems important to us to better understand the needs of doctoral education stakeholders, in particular doctoral school directors and PhD supervisors. The survey is developed from our interest in understanding your needs and requirements and what EIASM can do to improve future doctoral experiences.
This survey should not take more than 12/15minutes of your time.

Thank you for your contribution!

Best wishes,
Jerome Chabanne-Rive, EIASM Executive Director.

Question Title

* 1. Your doctoral programme welcomes :

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* 2. Who are your main students target?

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* 3. How do you position your doctoral programme in relation to other doctoral programmes in management in Europe? (ambition positioning)

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* 4. What are the three main specific features of your doctoral training programme?

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* 5. Does your doctoral programme include participation in international doctoral seminars?

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* 6. Do your doctoral students receive a mobility grant to take part in such international seminars?

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* 7. From your perspective and experience, what is the main added value of international doctoral seminars for your students?

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* 8. Is this added value appreciated and shared by your doctoral students? (Scale 1 to 10)

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* 9. With regard to the characteristics of such international training seminars, what are your expectations in terms of content :

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* 10. With regard to the characteristics of such international training seminars, what are your expectations in terms of teaching methods :

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* 11. If a new course allows your students to choose how would they want to participate, either in classroom or online, what would be your preference?

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* 12. In case of a mix "online + classroom" for the international seminar, what would be your preferred proportion between in classroom and online?

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* 13. With regard to the characteristics of such international training seminars, what is your prefered format duration:

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* 14. With regard to characteristics of such international training seminars, what are your expectations in terms of developing networks of contacts for your PhD students?

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* 15. What do you expect from institutions like EIASM to answer your needs and help to better reach your expectations regarding international training seminars?

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* 16. When choosing between several international seminar offers, what would be your choice criterias? (In order of importance)

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* 17. Comment box re. question 14 for "other criteria"

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* 18. When your doctoral students take part in international seminars, you are interested in :

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* 19. If you are interested by ECTS credits delivery, please specify how many credits would be validated outside your own doctoral programme (maximum number)?

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* 20. In your opinion, what are the three main challenges currently facing doctoral education in Management?

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* 21. What recent changes have you made to meet these challenges?

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* 22. What remains to be done...?

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* 23. According to you and if relevant, what particular training subject(s) are currently missing in your doctoral program offering (please list)?

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* 24. What type of new specialized course(s) are you interested in for your doctoral program (please list)?

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* 25. What type of new interdisciplinary course(s) are you interested in for your doctoral program (please list)?

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* 26. Do you know EIASM and its offer for PhD students (

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* 27. If Yes, what is your opinion of EIASM and EDEN offer?

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* 28. Would you be interested in a closer collaboration with EIASM?