Question Title

* 2. Please select the role that best describes your position at your giving circle:

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* 3. What are the key strengths or successes your giving circle celebrated in the past few years? (Please select all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. In your opinion, what are the most important challenges facing your giving circle?
Please select up to five.

Question Title

* 5. How valuable do you find the following types of resources in your work with your giving circle?

  Very valuable Somewhat valuable Not valuable N/A
One-on-one or group calls with peer organizations
Leadership training (e.g., on facilitation, communications)
Online discussion forums, listservs, or groups
Conferences and other in-person gatherings
Materials created by other giving circles
Webinars, podcasts, or workshops on philanthropy or community issues
Articles, case studies, research reports, or other publications
Templates or toolkits

Question Title

* 6. As part of your work with your giving circle, do you use resources provided by the following organizations?

  Yes No
Other giving circles
Philanthropy Together
Research or advocacy organizations (e.g., BoardSource, Women's Philanthropy Institute at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Trust-Based Philanthropy Project)
Community foundation or other host organization
Impact100 Global
Other affinity-based funder networks (e.g., Amplifier, Community Investment Network, Latino Giving Circle Network, SVP)

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* 7. How do you learn about these resources? Please select up to three.

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* 8. How valuable do you find Philanos resources overall?