LAFD Community Survey 2017 Question Title * 1. I approve of the job that the Los Angeles Fire Department is doing. Strongly approve Somewhat approve Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove Not sure Question Title * 2. How good of a job do you think the LA Fire Department is doing in suppressing fires? Very good job Somewhat good job Fair job Poor job Not sure Question Title * 3. How good of a job do you think the LA Fire Department is doing in responding to medical emergencies? Very good job Somewhat good job Fair job Poor job Not sure Question Title * 4. How good of a job do you think the LA Fire Department is doing in customer service and community outreach? Very good job Somewhat good job Fair job Poor job Not sure Question Title * 5. Overall, Los Angeles Firefighters and Firefighter/Paramedics treat residents in a fair, courteous, and professional manner. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Not sure Done