2020 Exhibitor Booth Management Form

Thank you for your support of Academy 2020 Nashville. The development of COVID-19 has presented the Academy with unique challenges to mitigate this year as we move our onsite annual meeting to a virtual platform. If you are able, we hope your company will choose to support and be represented at Academy 2020 At Home, the Academy's reimagined annual meeting occurring October 7-21, 2020. Please use this form to manage your company's exhibit space. We look forward to seeing you virtually this fall!

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* 1. Company Name

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* 2. Company Contact Name

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* 3. Company Email

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* 4. Contact Phone Number

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* 5. Our company would like to:

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* 6. For funds in excess of Academy 2020 At Home's virtual exhibit space, my company would like to:

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* 7. By checking this box my company hereby agrees to the selection made above in reference to our exhibit space for Academy 2020 Nashville.