2017 Kāpiti Arts Trail: Established Gallery Application |
Venue Application Form
The annual Kāpiti Arts Trail provides a showcase for artists living and/or working in the Kāpiti Coast District. It is a great opportunity for the public to meet artists at work in their studios and view artworks exhibited in a variety of venues.
The event runs over two weekends, the last weekend of October and first weekend of November. The dates and times for the 2017 Kāpiti Arts Trail are:
Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 October, 10am to 5pm
The event runs over two weekends, the last weekend of October and first weekend of November. The dates and times for the 2017 Kāpiti Arts Trail are:
Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 October, 10am to 5pm
Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 November, 10am to 5pm
There are three categories to apply under:
a) Studio Artist
b) Artist-managed Hub
c) Established Gallery, arts society or guild.
Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 November, 10am to 5pm
There are three categories to apply under:
a) Studio Artist
b) Artist-managed Hub
c) Established Gallery, arts society or guild.
Use this form to apply as an established gallery, arts society or guild.
You can also use this form to apply to be listed as an established gallery in the Kāpiti Arts Guide even if you are not participating in the Kāpiti Arts Trail, to promote yourself for the public who visit throughout the year.
Please email any questions to: artstrail@kapiticoast.govt.nz
Closing date for applications: Monday 15 May 2017, 5pm