This survey allows Penn graduate workers to give information about our priorities to our bargaining committee, which we will elect from amongst ourselves. Our bargaining committee will use these surveys to prepare a bargaining platform on which we will have the opportunity to vote. After democratic approval of our platform, the bargaining committee can negotiate for the needs of all Penn graduate workers with confidence. All of these are important ways to improve our workplace, but we can't win everything immediately. When selecting priority, consider which changes you think are most urgent – and what you're willing to fight for!

Question Title

* 1. Name (First, Last)

Question Title

* 2. Mobile Phone

Question Title

* 3. Email (non-Penn)

Question Title

* 4. School

Question Title

* 5. Department

Question Title

* 6. Office/Lab Location

Question Title

* 7. Degree

Question Title

* 8. Year Started

Question Title

* 9. Current Job Title (Spring 2024)

Question Title

* 10. I will help organize my coworkers to fight for our first union contract


Please rate the importance of including each right/protection in a contract for all Penn graduate student workers. Select one per row; low is least important, high is most important.

Question Title

* 11. Academic Freedom: Right to free academic inquiry and speech without fear of retaliation

Question Title

* 12. Anti-Bullying: Increase protections, such as third party arbitration and assistance with changing labs/advisors in cases of bullying, discrimination, and abuse

Question Title

* 13. Appointment Security: Protect against unjust termination or last-minute modification/withdrawal of funding/appointments

Question Title

* 14. Child Care: Increase access to affordable child care and/or subsidies for all parenting graduate workers

Question Title

* 15. Disability Access: Increase disability access and services, including funds for mandatory paperwork

Question Title

* 16. Diversity in Academia: Increase and protect diversity in graduate programs, including by race, caste, gender, and class

Question Title

* 17. Grievance Procedure: Establish a procedure for protections against contract violations including third party arbitration

Question Title

* 18. Health and Safety: Ensure a healthy work environment by improving safety oversight and enforcement

Question Title

* 19. Intellectual Property: Establish clear IP rights that give inventors and authors a fair share of ownership

Question Title

* 20. International Student Support: Expand university resources for supporting international students, such as tax support, relocation funds, and sanctuary from ICE/CBP

Question Title

* 21. Job Expectations and Training: Require clear, consistent job descriptions (e.g. duties, evaluation criteria, pay classification) and adequate training. Require posting of open hire positions

Question Title

* 22. Non-Discrimination: Strengthen protections against all forms of discrimination, including sexual harassment. Improve inclusivity, e.g., access to gender-neutral bathrooms

Question Title

* 23. Paid Time Off/Leave: Ensure minimum vacation time, holidays, and leave for family, medical, or other reasons

Question Title

* 24. Penn Pays Back: Demand robust university financial contributions to Philadelphia and local community organizations

Question Title

* 25. Space and Equipment: Ensure adequate, well-maintained space and materials necessary for assigned duties

Question Title

* 26. Transportation: Increase affordable transit access

Question Title

* 27. Visa Support and International Student Aid: Guarantee paid time off and funding for visa-related travel and expenses

Question Title

* 28. Workload: Establish the right to a consistent and reasonable number of hours and workload, including guaranteed minimum hours for hourly workers


In order to facilitate the bargaining process effectively, it is important that we decide not only which of the following economic items should be our bargaining goals, but also which of them should be our highest priorities. In each section, please assign each item a priority: low is least important, high is most important. Provide any comments, concerns, or examples in the comment box at the end of each section.

Question Title


  Low Medium High
Waive all tuition and fees for all graduate workers
Waive health insurance costs for all graduate workers
Tuition, fee, and insurance benefits for hourly workers

Question Title


  Low Medium High
Raise base pay
Annual pay increases
Guaranteed summer funding
Timely payment of wages and stipends
Extend appointment length (e.g., sixth year funding)

Question Title


  Low Medium High
Improved, paid dental insurance
Improved, paid vision insurance
Expand dependent coverage
Lower out-of-pocket costs
Allow direct access to off-campus practitioners
Improve referral system
Improve Penn student health services on campus

Question Title


  Low Medium High
Provide accessible on-campus graduate housing
Improve resources for securing local affordable housing
Ensure pay increases keep pace with rent increases

Question Title


  Low Medium High
Guarantee access to benefits and visas while on leave
Increase value of transit subsidies
Provide access to free tax assistance
Establish retirement benefits

Question Title

* 34. Are there any other issues/concerns that were not mentioned in the survey? Please use the space below for your additional comments and thoughts