Survey of BIPOC professionals in STEMS, Weather, Water and Climate Sciences

The results of this survey will directly inform the development of new programs, projects and initiatives by the Canadian meteorological and oceanographic society, the Canadian Water Resources Association, the Black Environmental Initiative and Environment and Climate Change Canada.
1.Where are you located? (city)
2.Where did you grow up? (city)
3.Which origin(s) do you closely identify yourself to?
4.Indigenous professionals are underrepresented in my sector(5 means extremely underrepresented)
5.Black professionals are underrepresented in my sector(5 means extremely underrepresented)
6.How old were you when you were first exposed to education in sciences?
7.Science has always been my preferred subject in school
8.I have had access to good science education in my life
9.People in my network(family and friends) have encouraged me to be interested in careers in sciences. (5 strongly agree)
10.Black, Brown and Indigenous people are naturally gifted in sciences
11.Most people think Black, Brown and Indigenous people are naturally gifted in sciences (including weather, water and climate science)
12.I think Sciences (especially weather, water and climate sciences) are useful to society
13.I think Sciences (especially weather, water and climate science) are useful to my community
14.I have always found science to be a very difficult discipline.
15.I have always found weather, water and climate sciences to be a really cool discipline
16.I have always thought I could pursue a career in sciences)
17.I always wanted to pursue a career in sciences (especially in weather, water and climate science)
18.Growing up I could have named at least 3 Black, Brown or Indigenous scientists
19.I have been often exposed to scientists who look like me
20.My schools could have done better to prepare me for a career in the sciences
21.The government could have done better to prepare me for a career in the sciences
22.Which science discipline better describe your area of specialization?
23.In a few words, could you express why your particular discipline in science became of interest to you?
24.Do you feel that your race is/was a barrier to accessing internships, and employment with training opportunities within the science/weather science sector?
25.Do you feel that your gender is/was a barrier to accessing internships, and employment with training opportunities within your sector?
26.Are there factors in the science (including weather, water and climate science) industry that are making it harder for diverse people to succeed?
27.What do you think schools should do to help improve or better the opportunities for BIPOC people to engage in sciences?
28.What do you think the government should do to help improve or better the opportunities for BIPOC people in sciences?
29.What do you think the industry should do to improve opportunities for BIPOC people in sciences?
30.What do you think BIPOC communities should do to encourage more people to pursue a career in the sciences?
31.What do you think society as a whole should do to increase diversity in sciences?
32.Please enter details on your contact information(city, email) below if you would be interested in offering a video testimonial.
33.Do you have any important comment you could not share in previous questions?
Current Progress,
0 of 33 answered