On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest score, please rate the articles you found in this recent issue. (If you have no opinion, please leave the rating block blank.) Add any additional comments about American Farriers Journal at the bottom.

scale: 1=dislike, 3=neutral, 5=like

Question Title

* 1.

Still Here To Serve You
By Jeremy McGovern

Question Title

* 2.

The Horse In Motion
What does a horse’s movement mean for your trimming and shoeing?
By Abigail Boatwright

Question Title

* 3.

Reinforcing The Basics Of Horseshoeing
In his fifth decade of shoeing, Bob Pethick still holds true to the principles that have helped him manage horses’ feet.
By Jeremy McGovern

Question Title

* 4.

Migrating Clients Requires Farrier Communication
Farriers in different states must work together to keep horse hooves healthy.
By Sarah Evers Conrad

Question Title

* 5.

Diplomatic Skills Needed When Stumbling Is Due To Rider Error
It’s never easy to tell a client to lose 150 pounds, buy a horse with better conformation or sign up for riding lessons.
By Frank Lessiter

Question Title

* 6.

The Cost Of Treating Laminitis
A veterinarian and three farriers discuss the cost of treatment and how it affects their approach to helping the horse.
By Jeremy McGovern

Question Title

* 7.

Old Horses, New Problems
Aging horses are more susceptible to arthritis, laminitis and other issues that present challenges.
By Pat Tearney

Question Title

* 8.

Six Reasons For Poor Hoof Quality
Equine vet Scott Morrison examines the causes of compromised horn.
By Jeff Cota

Question Title

* 9.

Lessen Inflammation’s Effect On Joint Health
Farriers’ early recognition can help slow the degeneration of the condition.
By Tom Schell

Question Title

* 10.

Don’t Stop Developing Your Skill Set
Reaching your goals for improvement requires commitment to practice and recognizing where your greatest needs rest.
By Jacob Butler

Question Title

* 11.

Straight Bar Shoe Delivers New Challenge
For this year’s Summit Mail-In Exercise, the goal is to test your skills with a practical shoe with applications for any footcare practice.
By Craig Trnka

Question Title

* 12.

How Uneven Feet Affect Locomotion
Understanding the relationship becomes key to preventing injury.
By Katie Navarra

Question Title

* 13.

Managing Conformational Faults: A Farrier's Approach
Understanding deviations and their role in load distribution is critical.
By Jeff Cota

Question Title

* 14.
Equine Massage Therapists Challenge Veterinary Practice Acts

Attorney advises farriers to examine laws in the states they practice in.
By Jeff Cota

Question Title

* 15. Please rate the following departments on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest score.

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* 16. How would you rate the value of this issue?

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