Stead Park 2020 - Community Feedback

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback for the design process for Stead Park. Your thoughts and experiences are essential to the design process, and we want to make sure we work together to create the best park and facility for all members of our community.

To learn more about the project, please visit the DC Department of General Services website here:

If at any time, you feel a certain question does not apply to you, you do not have enough information to answer it, or you do not wish to answer it, feel free to leave it blank. All responses are anonymous, and even a partially completed survey is helpful to us.

For additional information about the project, design team, and process and progress, please join or refer to the public community meeting materials on Thursday, June 18, 2020. 
1.How close is your residence to Stead Park?
2.How close is your employment to Stead Park?
3.How often do you visit Stead Park?
4.What amenities do you and/or your family members use at Stead Park? (select all that apply)
5.What activities do you and/or your family members usually do at Stead park? (select all that apply)
6.What is your age range?
7.If applicable, what are the current age ranges of your child(ren)? (select all that apply if you have more than one child and if they fall into different age ranges)
8.What do you like MOST about Stead Park? What would make the new Stead Park even better?
9.What do you like LEAST about Stead Park? What would you remove or improve?
10.What might be some of your preferred art features? (pick up to 4)
11.What landscape features do you think should be a priority? (select up to 2)
12.What is a favorite memory you have of Stead Park? What do you love about living in or spending time in Dupont Circle?
Current Progress,
0 of 12 answered