Consent for Participation in a Research Study

Principal Investigator: Katharine Owens
Study Title: Measuring the Impact of the Entangled and Ingested Project on Self-Reported Behavior
Overview of the Research
·      You are being asked to provide consent to participate in a research study. Participation is voluntary. You can say yes or no. If you say yes now you can still change your mind later.  Some key points to consider are summarized in this overview, but you should consider all of the information in this document carefully before making your decision.
·      The purpose of this research is to better understand the impact of the Entangled and Ingested project on participants’ intended behavior in the future.
·      Participation will involve approximately 10 minutes of your time.
·      You will be asked to complete a short survey about your behavior and intentions regarding plastic pollution.
·      Risks are no greater than those encountered in everyday life.
·      Potential benefits may be the self-knowledge that comes from reflecting on one’s own behavior. This research may also result in information that leads to improved knowledge on the impact of arts projects.
·      A more detailed description of this research follows.