NGCOA Canada Rounds Played & Weather Report Survey January 2025 Question Title * 1. For regional identification purposes, please fill in your course name or your facility's postal code : Question Title * 2. Type of Facility: Select your type of facility below . Private Semi-private Public Question Title * 3. How many holes are you reporting on?Note:If you are a 27-hole facility and operate your 9 and 18-hole courses separately, please select 27-holes (operating as 9-hole & 18-hole). If you blend or mix all 27 holes together, please choose 27-holes. 9-holes 18-holes 27-holes 27-holes (operating as 9-hole & 18-hole) 36-holes 45-holes 54-holes Other Please Specify Other Question Title * 4. Enter your total rounds played for January 2025 below. If you are a 27-hole facility and operate your 9 and 18-hole courses separately, enter rounds for your 18-hole facility into Total Rounds and rounds for your 9-hole facility into 9-hole Rounds Only. A round is defined as one person who tees off (or starts) at your facility. Example: If a person plays 18 holes at a 9-hole facility; that is considered 2 starts. Any start that requires a tee-time is considered a round. Total Rounds 9-hole Rounds Question Title * 5. Please enter your “Weather Score” for January 2025Weather Score Tracking Parameters:10: represents the absolute best golfing weather for that time of year5: represents average weather for that time of year0: there was no acceptable golf weather for this reporting periodClick Click here for more information. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Question Title * 6. How many times in this month did your course close and lose at least a half-day of play due to inclement weather? (minimum 3 hours=one half day) 0 31 Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 7. Please provide the email address(s) where you would like to receive the rounds played data and reporting Submit