Mandate Youth Committee Survey 2018

Mandate wants to hear from young members. If you are under the age of 35 and a Mandate Trade Union member, please complete the below survey.

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* 1. Are you an active member of the House Committee where you work? 

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* 2. Have you completed any Mandate Training Courses?

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* 3. Where do you feel the youth structures of the union should focus their energy? Please rank in order of importance to you

  Least important Most important
Encouraging other young workers to get involved in the union in my employment
Ensuring young workers and their issues are represented on national negotiating teams
Campaigning to grow membership in places where Mandate does not have high a membership
Reinvigorating the Local Council structures where necessary
Getting involved in campaigns in my local area
Campaigning on a national level in line with union policy
Growing a network of engaged and active young members

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* 4. Please complete the following: I want the Mandate Trade Union Youth Committee to...

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* 5. List the 3 main issues that are most important to you as a Mandate Youth member?

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* 6. How would you like the Mandate Youth committee to co-ordinate its activity?

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* 7. Optional: Please leave your details so we can stay in touch