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Digital hires during Covid-19, where are you now?

Are you working with digital hiring practices during the current Covid-19 crisis? We can help. Take this survey to assess your current situation. From there, we’ll point you to the best practices you can implement in your company now.

At Ariad we hyper-specialise in the most relevant digital niches. Our team of business managers help clients to know which paths to take, with the best-fit expert guides. 

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We are Ariad.

We are Ariad.

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* 1. And you? Please tell us who you are, we will send your infographic to the email you provide here:

Let's determine where you are now.  Ready?
Answer the following questions:

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These are the steps we will walk through. At the end, we'll point you to the best practices you can implement right now

These are the steps we will walk through. At the end, we'll point you to the best practices you can implement right now

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* 2. Is your company still hiring during the Covid-19?

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* 3. As you answered hiring freeze, why did you freeze new hires? *you can select more than one answer

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* 4. Are you still hiring:

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* 5. Which vacancies are currently a priority for your organization?

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* 6. Do you find it easier or more difficult now to find digital experts?

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* 7. Has your recruiting process changed? Regarding interviews:

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* 8. Has your recruiting process changed? Regarding onboarding:

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* 9. Since the eruption of Covid-19, have your hiring needs for Digital Experts changed?

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* 10. Do you have worries regarding candidates, caused by the Covid-19 crisis? E.g: filling in a position will be delayed, you are worried the candidate will not wait.

Thank you for participating! We put together an infographic, which identifies the best practices companies are implementing now during the current Covid-19 crisis. You'll receive a copy in your inbox.
Covid-19, we stop it together!

Don't hesitate to contact us, if you have any inquiries.
Or visit our website.
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