Question Title

* 1. What is your name? (optional, to receive a thank you gift for completing this survey!)

Question Title

* 3. On what date were the services performed?


Question Title

* 4. What type of service was performed?

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* 5. Did your technician arrive on time, or did the class begin on time?

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* 6. Please select an answer below. Rate 1 for below expectations and 5 for exceeded expectations.

  1 2 3 4 5
How knowledgeable and trustworthy was your technician/trainer?
How professional was your technician/trainer at all times?
How well were your issues resolved and/or how well did the class meet your expectations?
How well were all of your questions answered and needs fulfilled?
How likely is it that you call us for future help or take our class again?

Question Title

* 7. Please leave any other overall comments here. Thank you so much for your business and taking the time to help make LFE Technology the #1 best in Customer Service based Technical Support and Maintenance!