Teaming Up to Hoof It Home Grant RFP

During the 2019 ASPCA Help a Horse HomeSM Challenge we were inspired to see great collaboration among participating groups.  This included groups who matched horses at one organization with adopters at another.  These groups shared with each other when they had qualified adopters looking for types of equines they didn't have, and other groups responded when they had a horse that matched the need.  This helped ensure that good adopters were able to find their right horse.  

Sometimes all that is prohibiting an equine in transition from going home is his location. The goal of the Teaming Up to Hoof it Home Grant RFP is to remove this barrier by providing grant funds for creative collaborations aimed at sharing adopters and equines across states/regions.  Build your collaboration and submit your idea for consideration for a grant of up to $30,000. 

All proposals should include:

a. Designation of a lead organization to receive funding     
b. Names of the organizations that will be participating in the collaboration
c. A clear description of the project and total cost.  Please address how the collaborating groups will increase adoptions by working together to facilitate the matching and transport of equines to meet adopter needs regardless of location. 
d. A project budget
e. A clear description of the impact and the cost per equine helped
f. Plan for sustaining the project once grant funding has ended

Eligible applicants
  • Organizations that are established 501(c)(3) equine service organizations or governmental entities located within the United States, in good standing with the ASPCA, including no overdue progress or other reporting requirements from previous grants
  • Must take back their returns when adoptions fail for whatever reason
  • Must transfer ownership to adopters within a reasonable period of time
  • Must meet these additional organizational requirements:
    • Organization is in good standing with Secretary of State in the state where it is incorporated
    • Organization is registered to solicit funds in its home state when  required  
    • A majority of the organization's board of directors  is independent 
    • Neither the board chair or treasurer receive compensation from the organization 
  • Must meet all transport regulations
  • Organizations must source their equines from owner relinquishment, stray, animal services, law enforcement, donation, or at public auction and not from kill pens and bail outs.
  • Need to have at least one other organization as part of the collaboration 
  • Detailed Letters of Intent (LOIs): LOIS will be accepted until September 20th.  Applications will not be accepted by post or email.
  • Finalists will receive invitations to submit formal requests for funding by October 5th 
  • Final decisions will be made by October 15th

Question Title

* 1. Lead Organization's Contact Information

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* 2. Contact Name (person at lead organization):

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* 3. Contact Title:

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* 4. Please provide the contact information for all OTHER organizations that will be participating in this collaboration.  Include organization name, location, contact name, phone number and email address.

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* 5. Website address:

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* 6. Federal Tax ID/Employer Identification Number (EIN - XX-XXXXXXX): 

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* 7. Are you a 501(c)(3) organization in good standing with the IRS?

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* 8. Are you in good standing with the Secretary of State in the state where you are incorporated?

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* 9. Are you registered to solicit funds in states in which you are soliciting funds, when required?

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* 10. Does your organization have a majority independent board?

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* 11. Please enter the names and contact information of your organization's board members. If the board member is an officer, please indicate by entering their officer title after their name, e.g. "Marilyn Green, Treasurer."

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* 12. Are both your board chair and treasurer uncompensated by the organization?

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* 13. Are your horses on land owned by the organization or subject to a valid lease?

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* 14. Project Title:

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* 15. Anticipated start date (if applicable):


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* 16. Anticipated end date (if applicable):


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* 17. Geographical area(s) served:

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* 18. Project Description. Please address how the collaborating groups will increase adoptions by working together to facilitate the matching and transport of equines to meet adopter needs regardless of location.

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* 19. Detail the impact you wish to make with this project:

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* 20. Project Cost Total:

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* 21. How much of an increase do you expect to see in adoptions from this collaboration, compared to the same time period last year?

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* 22. Estimated cost per horse:

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* 23. Please outline a project budget to show how the funds will be utilized:

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* 24. Please detail how this project could be sustained once grant funding has ended:

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* 25. Do ALL organizations who will be adopting horses have an adoption contract that transfers ownership within 1 year?

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* 26. Do ALL organizations who will be adopting horses have an adoption contract that accepts the return of horses when adoption fails for whatever reason?

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* 27. Do ALL organizations have a euthanasia policy?

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* 28. Lead Organization: Are you accredited by the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance (TAA)?

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* 29. Lead Organization: What is your status with the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS)?

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* 30. Lead Organization: What other professional credentials and coalition memberships does your organization hold?

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* 31. Please tell us how you learned about this grant opportunity:

Please be sure your answers are complete. Once finished, to submit hit "SUBMIT." This LOI must be received by ASPCA no later than 5 p.m., Friday, September 20, 2019. 

For questions about the ASPCA Equine Welfare Safety Net Innovation Grant, please contact Usual ASPCA guidelines and reporting apply.
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