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After looking at the statements made in the Local needs assessment by the administrative team regarding the 6 areas of focus, please give us your honest opinion. If we are right on target, please let us know you agree with our assessment of the data. If you disagree with our assessment or wish to add additional observations (and we certainly encourage you to do so, please click disagree and let us know your suggestions. Data referred to in this survey can be found at the following link.

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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. Would you consider yourself a 

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* 3. Upon looking at the data regarding Student Performance, what is your perception regarding the written evaluation?

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* 4. Upon looking at the data regarding Access to High-quality CTE, what is your perception regarding the written evaluation?

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* 5. Upon looking at the data regarding Labor Market, what is your perception regarding the written evaluation?

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* 6. Upon looking at the data regarding Size Scope and Quality, what is your perception regarding the written evaluation?

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* 7. Upon looking at the data regarding Implementing Programs of Study, what is your perception regarding the written evaluation?

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* 8. Upon looking at the data regarding Recruitment Retention and Training, what is your perception regarding the written evaluation?

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