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Not at all Somewhat Mostly Completely Stories/storytelling Stories/storytelling Not at all Stories/storytelling Somewhat Stories/storytelling Mostly Stories/storytelling Completely Essays/information Essays/information Not at all Essays/information Somewhat Essays/information Mostly Essays/information Completely Photography/visuals Photography/visuals Not at all Photography/visuals Somewhat Photography/visuals Mostly Photography/visuals Completely Advertisers/ads Advertisers/ads Not at all Advertisers/ads Somewhat Advertisers/ads Mostly Advertisers/ads Completely OK Question Title * 5. 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Rancher/landowner profiles or interviews State natural resource policy Public land management Service, company or product reviews Rural community concerns Wildlife Ranch/operation-scale practical how-tos Political or business leader interviews Wildfire Forestry/timber management Big picture/national money topics Federal natural resource policy First person reflections/essays Property rights Soil health/land health Ranch/operation-scale money topics hunting/fishing access Water/drought Livestock production/raising Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 7. Have you ever given or received a gift subscription to On Land Magazine? (check any that apply) Received a gift Given a gift Neither OK Question Title * 8. Which statements best describe your relationship to working lands (farms and ranches)? Owner-operator Owner, employing manager(s) Owner, leasing my land to operator(s) Employed as a manager Operator on leased land Curious/interested in purchasing farm/ranch land Curious/interested in working in farming/ranching Employed by a farm/ranch-related for profit business Employed by a public land management agency Employed by working lands-related non-profit organization Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 9. Where else do you find stories or information similar to that offered by On Land magazine? (check all that apply) Podcasts Radio Farm and ranch industry magazines Public agency (e.g. USDA) websites Local newspapers (print or online) National newspapers (print or online) General interest magazines YouTube or other videos Other organization's membership magazines Online media brands (e.g. Vox, Red State, Slate, The Blaze) Sustainability or "green" magazines Friends and neighbors OK Question Title * 10. 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In your opinion, where does the content of On Land Magazine fall on this scale? Progressive Centrist Conservative Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. OK Question Title * 12. What is your age? 20 or younger 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80 and older OK Question Title * 13. Where are you? 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