I’m aware that breast health looks different for Black women.
I’m aware that breast health looks different for Black women. Strongly Disagree
I’m aware that breast health looks different for Black women. Disagree
I’m aware that breast health looks different for Black women. Undecided
I’m aware that breast health looks different for Black women. Agree
I’m aware that breast health looks different for Black women. Strongly Agree
I know the importance of knowing my HERstory (family health history) for understanding my risk.
I know the importance of knowing my HERstory (family health history) for understanding my risk. Strongly Disagree
I know the importance of knowing my HERstory (family health history) for understanding my risk. Disagree
I know the importance of knowing my HERstory (family health history) for understanding my risk. Undecided
I know the importance of knowing my HERstory (family health history) for understanding my risk. Agree
I know the importance of knowing my HERstory (family health history) for understanding my risk. Strongly Agree
I understand why it is important to get to know my gurls (check my breasts).
I understand why it is important to get to know my gurls (check my breasts). Strongly Disagree
I understand why it is important to get to know my gurls (check my breasts). Disagree
I understand why it is important to get to know my gurls (check my breasts). Undecided
I understand why it is important to get to know my gurls (check my breasts). Agree
I understand why it is important to get to know my gurls (check my breasts). Strongly Agree
I know how and when to get to know my gurls.
I know how and when to get to know my gurls. Strongly Disagree
I know how and when to get to know my gurls. Disagree
I know how and when to get to know my gurls. Undecided
I know how and when to get to know my gurls. Agree
I know how and when to get to know my gurls. Strongly Agree
I know what to do if I feel something new or unusual while getting to know my gurls.
I know what to do if I feel something new or unusual while getting to know my gurls. Strongly Disagree
I know what to do if I feel something new or unusual while getting to know my gurls. Disagree
I know what to do if I feel something new or unusual while getting to know my gurls. Undecided
I know what to do if I feel something new or unusual while getting to know my gurls. Agree
I know what to do if I feel something new or unusual while getting to know my gurls. Strongly Agree
I understand the importance of Black women participating in clinical trials.
I understand the importance of Black women participating in clinical trials. Strongly Disagree
I understand the importance of Black women participating in clinical trials. Disagree
I understand the importance of Black women participating in clinical trials. Undecided
I understand the importance of Black women participating in clinical trials. Agree
I understand the importance of Black women participating in clinical trials. Strongly Agree
I plan to share new learnings about Black Breast Health with friends or family.
I plan to share new learnings about Black Breast Health with friends or family. Strongly Disagree
I plan to share new learnings about Black Breast Health with friends or family. Disagree
I plan to share new learnings about Black Breast Health with friends or family. Undecided
I plan to share new learnings about Black Breast Health with friends or family. Agree
I plan to share new learnings about Black Breast Health with friends or family. Strongly Agree
I plan to talk to my family about my HERstory (family health history).
I plan to talk to my family about my HERstory (family health history). Strongly Disagree
I plan to talk to my family about my HERstory (family health history). Disagree
I plan to talk to my family about my HERstory (family health history). Undecided
I plan to talk to my family about my HERstory (family health history). Agree
I plan to talk to my family about my HERstory (family health history). Strongly Agree
I plan to share my HERstory (family health history) with my healthcare provider.
I plan to share my HERstory (family health history) with my healthcare provider. Strongly Disagree
I plan to share my HERstory (family health history) with my healthcare provider. Disagree
I plan to share my HERstory (family health history) with my healthcare provider. Undecided
I plan to share my HERstory (family health history) with my healthcare provider. Agree
I plan to share my HERstory (family health history) with my healthcare provider. Strongly Agree
I plan to get to know my gurls this month.
I plan to get to know my gurls this month. Strongly Disagree
I plan to get to know my gurls this month. Disagree
I plan to get to know my gurls this month. Undecided
I plan to get to know my gurls this month. Agree
I plan to get to know my gurls this month. Strongly Agree
I plan to get to know my gurls monthly.
I plan to get to know my gurls monthly. Strongly Disagree
I plan to get to know my gurls monthly. Disagree
I plan to get to know my gurls monthly. Undecided
I plan to get to know my gurls monthly. Agree
I plan to get to know my gurls monthly. Strongly Agree