TIME EXTENDED: Please submit by 8:00 a.m. Sunday morning, April 29th. Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. What is your current connection to Jensen Ranch Elementary (JRE)?

Question Title

* 2. How important is it that the principal has a work history that includes:

  Not Important A Little Important Important Very Important Critically Important
Experience as an elementary school principal?
Experience as a elementary school administrator (other than principal)?
Experience as an elementary school teacher?
Experience in a school similar to Jensen Ranch Elementary in terms of performance?
Experience leading a school during turnaround/transformation?
Success in student achievement (based on test results)?
Experience in Castro Valley Unified Schools?
Communicating with and engaging students?
Empowering teacher leaders?
Communicating with and engaging parents and the community?
Successfully leading an organization with over 50 employees?

Question Title

* 3. Please identify the top five personal characteristics you believe are necessary for a principal to be successful at JRE.

Question Title

* 4. How important is each of the following areas of responsibility for the principal?

  Not Important A Little Important Important Very Important Critically Important
Planning for the future
Communicating with parents and the community
Communicating with and managing/leading all teachers and staff
Recruiting and selecting quality teachers and other school staff
Improving student achievement
Addressing equality and diversity
Managing operations of the school (administrative, instructional, and facility)
Positive student interaction
Developing teachers and staff
Empowering teachers and staff to lead

Question Title

* 5. Please identify the Top 5 leadership qualities that you believe the principal of JRE should possess.

Question Title

* 6. What do you believe are the three most important issues facing JRE that the principal must be ready to deal with immediately?

Question Title

* 7. Check the importance of the following questions

  Not Important A Little Important Important Very Important Critically Important
How important is it that the principal values and supports music, art, and athletic education at JRE?
How important is it to have a principal who understands the unique dynamics of JRE students, teachers, staff, and parents?
How important is it that the principal be able to communicate a vision and plan for JRE?
How important is it to have a principal who understands how to empower JRE stakeholders?
How important is it that the principal be invested long term in the JRE community?

Question Title

* 8. In your own words, describe the type of principal you believe would be the best fit for JRE. (If you prefer not to respond, enter "NA" in the box below).