A Future For Paddington Old Cemetery Chapels

Community Consultation

Deadline for response: Friday 14 June

Paddington Old Cemetery is an important historic site. It is on the National Heritage List and has been designated a Grade II status.

It was one of the first public cemeteries to be opened after the Metropolitan Interment Act of 1850, designed by Thomas Little in 1855.

While the cemetery is well used as an open space and continues to be a working cemetery, the chapel buildings at the heart of the cemetery are not currently in use because extensive repairs are needed to make them safe. One of the chapels remains consecrated, while the other is not.

With the support of the Pilgrim Trust and the National Lottery Heritage Fund there is currently an opportunity for Brent Council and the Friends of Paddington Old Cemetery to review options for the future of the chapels.

Your views will help shape a set of options for the future of these historic buildings. The preferred options will be shared across the community in September 2024.

Thank you for taking time to respond.

More information can be found here. If you have any questions about this project get in touch at paddingtonoldchapels@gmail.com
1.Would you describe yourself as a:(Required.)
2.How frequently do you visit the cemetery?(Required.)
3.Please tick the most frequent reasons for your visits to Paddington Old Cemetery:(Required.)
4.Please use the space below to describe future uses or users that you would consider appropriate for the restored chapel buildings in the centre of Paddington Old Cemetery.

Think about uses that might fit with the restrictions of the cemetery location.

For example, new users of the chapel buildings would:
1. Be restricted to operating during cemetery opening hours (daylight hours)
2. Not generate significant traffic
3. Be respectful of the site location in the centre of a working cemetery
4. Provide social benefit to the local community (this may take many forms)
5.Please use the space below to describe future uses or users that you would consider inappropriate for the restored chapel buildings in the centre of this working cemetery.
6.Thinking about the future of Paddington Old Cemetery Chapels and how they could support the local area, in your view what community services are under-provided in the area, and are you aware of particular groups that may benefit from use of the chapel space(s)?
7.Because of the extensive restoration work required, improvements to the chapels may be spread over several years. Can you suggest any appropriate short-term, temporary or 'meanwhile' uses for these chapels located within a working cemetery?
8.The two historic chapels at the heart of this working cemetery are in need of extensive restoration and upgrading and consequently not in use.

The intention is to save the chapels.

Occupation of the space is the best way to prevent decay, and generating a moderate rent would help future upkeep of the buildings.

Would you like to see the chapels saved through restoration and use?
9.To help ensure this survey reaches an audience that reflects the local community, please tick the boxes below that describe you best:
10.Lastly please leave your name and email address here if you would like to be updated on this project.

If you or your organisation would like to register an interest in future occupancy of the Paddington Old Cemetery Chapels please indicate this and you will be sent an Expression Of Interest (EOI) form.