As part of a $100 million InvestNH initiative, the Town of Fitzwilliam is participating in the Community Housing Navigator program. This program is intended to help New Hampshire communities understand and address their housing needs at a time when the state is experiencing record low-vacancy rates and an acute shortage of available and affordable housing. This is a community-driven process that starts with communication. Please take a moment to complete this Housing Needs Assessment Survey. The quality of this effort is largely determined by the level of participation from the community. Thank you for your time and interest!
If you have any questions or additional comments, please reach out to Lori Nolan, Fitzwilliam’s Land Use Coordinator, at

Question Title

* 1. Ideally, what type of housing would you prefer to be living in today?

Question Title

* 2. Ideally, what type of housing would best suit your needs in five or more years?

Question Title

* 3. Are you actively looking for a new place to live?

Question Title

* 4. Indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about your current housing needs (Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Not applicable)

  Agree Neutral Disagree Not applicable
My current housing meets my needs today
My current housing meets my anticipated needs for the next 10 years
My ability to stay in the region depends on finding decent affordable/attainable housing
My current housing cost is above my financial ability/means
I do not currently have permanent housing

Question Title

* 5. Indicate your level of priority of the following characteristics when choosing a community to live in (High, Neutral, Low, Not applicable)

  High Neutral Low Not applicable
Close to family and friends
Close to work
Close to amenities (shopping, health care, entertainment, etc)
In my price range
School system
Land amenities (yard size, natural views, landscaping, outdoor recreation, zoning, etc)
Area safety (crime, road safety, etc)
Presence of established village and common

Question Title

* 6. When thinking about housing in Fitzwilliam, please indicate your level of agreement with the need for additional units for each stated housing type (Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Not applicable)

  Agree Neutral Disagree Not applicable
High end housing
Moderate (affordable/attainable) income housing
Low income housing
Rental housing
Senior housing
Housing for people with physical disabilities
Housing with supportive services

Question Title

* 7. What are the biggest housing-related challenges facing Fitzwilliam? (Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Not Applicable)

  Agree Neutral Disagree Not applicable
No significant challenges
Cost of rent or mortgage
Cost of utilities 
Cost of property taxes
Property upkeep/maintenance
Available attainable housing to purchase
Available attainable housing to rent
Lack of reliable internet and/or cell service
Lack of reliable transportation
Housing discrimination 

Question Title

* 8. Indicate the impact you believe the following factors have on your access to housing in Fitzwilliam. (Significantly impacts, Slightly impacts, Does not impact, Not applicable)

  Significantly impacts Slightly impacts Does not impact Not applicable
Wages/Employment opportunities
Qualifying for a mortgage/loan
Property taxes
Available land suitable for development
Cost of land/construction
Lack of qualified contractors/builders
State regulations and permits
Municipal regulations and permits
Demand for short-term rentals/vacation rentals
People moving into the region who can afford higher prices

Question Title

* 9. Indicate the level of impact each of the following factors has on your ability to stay in Fitzwilliam. (Significantly impacts, Slightly impacts, Does not impact, Not applicable)

  Significantly impacts Slightly impacts Does not impact Not applicable
Supply of available housing
Quality of available housing
Cost of available housing
Type of available housing (single family, duplex, multi-family, etc)
Location of available housing
I don’t feel I have the choice to make changes due to lack of housing options and/or moving costs.

Question Title

* 10. The Town of Fitzwilliam has two main zoning districts that allow housing, comprising 89% of town – the rural and residential zoning districts. The largest – rural district – has a minimum lot size of 120,000 square feet or 2.75 acres. What are your thoughts about the current minimum lot sizes?

Question Title

* 11. The Town of Fitzwilliam currently allows one single family dwelling per lot. What are your thoughts on how many dwellings (houses) should be allowed on a property?

Question Title

* 12. Currently, residential use (including rentals and manufactured homes) is allowed in all zoning districts, except the industrial zoning district. The industrial district includes lots along portions of Route 12 North and South. Should housing be allowed in the industrial zoning district?

Question Title

* 13. What is your age?

Question Title

* 14. What is your employment status?

Question Title

* 15. What is your approximate annual household income?

Question Title

* 16. Please select the option that best describes your overall housing costs (mortgage/rent, utilities, insurance, property taxes, and maintenance):

Question Title

* 17. Additional comments