Demand-side Survey to Establish a Practical Strategy on Developing an Efficient Capital Market in the Solomon Islands

1.Do you agree to participate in this study?
Respondent Profile
2.Position of respondent in the enterprise/or place of work
3.Gender of Respondent
4.Age of respondent 
5.How many years of work experience in this sector does the respondent have?
6.What is the highest level of general education of the respondent?
7.Do you have any formal vocational training?
Access to Financial Capital 

Note: Financial Capital in this case refers to the amount of money needed to start a business or money needed for further expansion of a current business
8.Do you have access to financial Capital?
9.On a scale of one (1) to five (5) with five (5) indicating having more access to Financial Capital, how would you rate your access to capital finance
1. Have no access to financial capital
2. Have limited access to financial capital
3. Have adequate access to financial capital
4. Have Sufficient access to financial capital
5. Have more access to financial capital
10.What is the main obstacle that hinders you to access capital finance from banks or other financial institutions that provides financial capital?
Part B: Capital Market 
11.Do you know what the capital market is?
12.Do you think it is time for the Solomon Islands should establish its capital market to assist entrepreneurs with capital for business start-ups and access to additional funds for business expansion?
13.What types of capital market instruments are you aware of?
14.Do you have any experience in participating in a capital market?
15.If there is a capital market in the country, would you participate in the capital market either as a saver or borrower?
16.Are you a business owner or entrepreneur? (☐ Yes, ☐ No.) If your answer is YES, please answer the following questions. If NO, please proceed to question 19.
17.Are you willing to participate in the capital market?
18.In what way would you participate?
19.If there is a capital market established in the Solomon Islands, what type of instrument are you likely to invest in?
20.What do you think would be the biggest hold-back in the growth of the capital market in the Solomon Islands?
21.What would be the best approach to take if we are to establish a capital market.
22.At the initial establishment, what policy measures do you think should be employed to ensure a smooth transition of the capital market into full operation.
23. If you are to invest in a capital market, would you like to choose the sector you wish to invest in yourself or your investment decision made on your behalf by an investment broker.
Thank you very much for completing the survey questionnaires.
 Your participation in this survey is highly commended.