“Integrative Approaches to Headaches in Children and Adolescents” - GKCC ASPMN Enduring CNE Evaluation

1.How well did you achieve the objectives of this activity? Identify the most common conventional and integrative therapies available for headache management in the pediatric patient.
2.How well did you achieve the objectives of this activity? Demonstrate how to use migraine/headache preventive therapies including: Medications, supplements, acupuncture, nerve blocks, self-regulation, massage, exercise, and physical therapy in pediatric patients.
3.How well did you achieve the objectives of this activity? Utilize abortive therapies including medications, therapeutics, and procedures for pediatric headaches.
4.How well did you achieve the goal of this activity? Understand the
pathophysiology of migraines and different headache disorders and preventative and abortive therapies available for pediatric patients.
5.Please rate the expertise of Dr. Anna Esparham
6.Please rate the effectiveness of discussion strategies by Dr. Anna Esparham
7.Was this Enduring Content easy to access?
8.Would you recommend this program to a colleague?
9.How did you find out about this Enduring CNE Content?
10.If you want to receive a CNE certificate for this enduring CNE content, please put your email address in the box below.