PSAYDN Budget Impasse Impact Survey

We are now in the ninth month of the 2016 Fiscal Year for the State of Pennsylvania without a final, complete budget.  Pennsylvania has half a state budget and a number of related pieces of legislation still up in the air.  The budget, although signed by Governor Wolf, is yet to be completed and certain bills, codes and line items still must be addressed.

While parts of state government continue to operate through mandates, appropriations and loans, some community-based services, including afterschool programs, remain in limbo.

In an effort to assess and communicate the impact this protracted budget impasse is having on the Out-of-School Time (OST) field and those it serves, the Pennsylvania Statewide Afterschool/Youth Development Network (PSAYDN) is conducting an internal survey to learn how afterschool programs are responding to the disruption and uncertainty this is causing to better communicate these concerns with policymakers.

To ensure the accuracy and usefulness of the survey findings, we need a wide and representative participant pool. This is why your participation is vital! The survey is brief and takes about 10 minutes to complete.

The survey will close at 5 PM Friday, March 11, 2016. Please submit only one survey per agency.

Responses will be compiled and reported only in an aggregated form. If we are able to achieve high levels of participation, we will share the results with a wide range of stakeholders including the Governor's Office, state legislators, media outlets and interested organizations around the state on our April 12 Afterschool Advocacy event at the Pennsylvania Capitol.  Registration for this event will soon be available at

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* 1. Has non-receipt of state subsidy due to the  Fiscal Year 2016 budget impasse impacted student programs or services for your afterschool/OST program(s)?

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* 2. If you answered "Yes" to Q1, please quantify the approximate number of children/youth impacted by the budget impasse in your program(s).

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* 3. If you answered "Yes" to Q1, please detail all areas of impact the state budget impasse has had on your program(s).

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* 4. If you checked off any areas of impact in Q3, please provide an explanation in this section describing those areas affected by the state budget impasse (e.g., number of staff layoffs, number of missed training opportunities, positions frozen, transportation issues, number of programs cancelled)

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* 5. Due to the budget impasse, has your program(s) been forced to borrow funds or look into borrowing funds in the future in order to meet financial needs?

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* 6. Has your afterschool program(s) gone into debt due to the state budget impasse?

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* 7. If the budget impasse continues through June 2016, will your afterschool program struggle to operate at existing levels? 

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* 8. Please use the comment box below to provide any additional information you wish on the impact the state budget impasse has had on your program(s) or will have if not resolved.

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* 9. Approximate age that your afterschool program(s) provides services for? (Please check all that appy)

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* 10. Contact Information for follow-up