1. What do men want when it comes to their health?

CANSA needs your help to figure this out! We want to spread the word about men’s cancer warning signs and empower men to lower their cancer risk and detect cancer earlier.

We need South African men to know that they do not have to go through cancer alone. CANSA can help.

Your feedback will help us streamline and tailor make our offerings to suit the needs of men.

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* 1. How old are you?

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* 2. Do you think men don’t talk to other men about cancer?

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* 3. If no, why do you think men don’t talk to other men about cancer?

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* 4. What could be done to start this conversation?

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* 5. What keeps you from going to the Dr when you are not well?

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* 6. What would make you want to go to the Dr?

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* 7. How would you like to have health information communicated with you?

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* 8. Did you know it's recommended that from age 40 men (if in high risk categories) should be having annual prostate screenings?

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* 9. Did you know about the potential increased risk for prostate cancer when there is a family history of first-degree female relatives diagnosed with breast cancer linked to BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation (first degree relatives include a mother, grandmother, sisters and aunts)?

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* 10. Have you ever had any prostate cancer screening?

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* 11. Do you feel that men with prostate cancer are stigmatised?

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* 12. Do you want to subscribe to CANSA's regular e-newsletters?

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* 13. Have you ever been diagnosed with Prostate cancer?

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* 14. If you have been diagnosed with Prostate cancer, do you want to answer a few more questions to assist CANSA?

50% of survey complete.