CIBMTR Website Survey Question Title * 1. How often do you visit the CIBMTR website? Daily Once a week Two-three times a week Every two weeks Once a month Every few months Once a year Never Question Title * 2. Had you visited the CIBMTR website prior to January 2023 when the current website was launched? Yes No Question Title * 3. When you visit CIBMTR’s website, what information are you looking for? Select all that apply. About Us Data Collection Forms Data Operations Manuals & Guides Meetings (i.e., Tandem Meetings or the AcCELLerate Forum) Publications Publicly Available Datasets Studies Summary Slides & Reports Training Working Committee Information/Proposal Submission Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Please rank how easily you can find the information you are looking for on CIBMTR’s website on a scale of one (Not Easy) to ten (Very Easy). 0 10 Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 5. Please explain your rating: Question Title * 6. What do you like about the new CIBMTR website? Question Title * 7. Is there anything you would change or add to CIBMTR’s website that would make your experience on the site easier? Question Title * 8. Is there anything else about CIBMTR’s website that you would like us to know? Question Title * 9. What is your job title? Question Title * 10. How many years have you worked in this industry? Less than one year 1-3 years 4-7 years 8-10 years 11-15 years 16-20 years 20+ years Question Title * 11. Are you a CIBMTR employee? Yes No Done