Question Title

* 1. Please note whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Completely agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Completely disagree N/A
Accessing content across different content platforms in a major challenge for us.
The concept of “content integration” is well-understood in my organization.
Our efforts to shift focus to newer content management platforms are hampered by the mission-critical functions performed by our legacy systems.
Migrating content from one platform to another is a major headache for us.
We are working to rationalize/simplify the number of content management platforms in our organization.
In 5 years every large enterprise will have implemented a content integration layer.
We are shifting our emphasis from on-premise content management platforms to cloud-based platforms.
We are working to migrate from legacy content management platforms to more modern platforms.
An important priority for us is avoiding a “big bang” migration.

Question Title

* 2. Approximately how many content management platforms are currently in active use in your organization?