This questionnaire has been designed to be completed by Venturer Scouts and Venturer Scout Leaders in Queensland.

The purpose of this survey is to gather Venturer Scout/ Leader ideas on the Venturer Scout section in Queensland and look at how we can aim to increase the numbers of Scouts who come into Venturer Scouts.

This survey has been divided into a number of sections and the final report will reflect your responses in this area.

·         Change

·         Aspects of Venturer Scouts

·         The Scout Method

·         Badges and badge work

·         The Scout Brand (marketing Scouts)

·         Leadership

Instructions: Some questions ask you to tick one box or another. Others to rank order items of importance to you and other boxes to add a comment.

Question Title

* 1. I am a

Question Title

* 2. What is the most important thing that Venturer Scouts do?

Rank the list below (prioritise them) in number order from 1 onwards as you see them as a Venturer Scout. One is the most important. Add your own ideas in the comment box below.

Question Title

* 3. In relation to question 2, comments and reasons why

Question Title

* 4. Venturer Scout leaders

Are there additional items you would wish to add to the list above?

Area 1 - Change

Question Title

* 5. If you could change one thing about Venturer Scouts what would you change and how?

Question Title

* 6. How could we improve the relationship between the Scout section and the Venturer Scout section?

Question Title

* 7. How could we improve the relationship between the Rover Scout section and the Venturer Scout section?

Question Title

* 8. Think about the best Venturer Scout activity you have ever done? Look at the list below and rank order the following activities from 1 being your best to 10 being your least favourite activity.

Area 2 - Aspects of Venturer Scouts

Question Title

* 9. The program is what is planned for Venturer Scouts to do every week/ term and year.

Question Title

* 10. Who puts the program together for your unit?

Question Title

* 11. Could this be improved in your local area?

Question Title

* 12. What type of activities do you do at Venturers every week?

Question Title

* 14. Thinking about your answers for the questions above, why did you choose those answers?

Question Title

* 15. Look at the next FIVE words that are about Scouting. Put a (1) beside the most important item for you in Scouting. Continue through the list numbering each through to 5 that is least important to you.

Question Title

* 16. Provide a comment in the box below about the one you chose as number one.

Question Title

* 17. What are the main positives you see in Venturing in Queensland?

Question Title

* 18. What are the main negatives you see in Venturing in Queensland?

Area 3 - This is the Scout Method - Learning by doing

Question Title

* 19. Can you think of one activity where someone showed you how to do it and then you were able to do it yourself? Can you explain why.

Area 4 - Badges and Badge work

Question Title

* 23. If you could change one thing in the award scheme what would it be and how would you change it?

Area 5 - The Scout brand and marketing

Question Title

* 24. What makes Venturer Scouts relevant today?

Question Title

* 25. What makes Venturer Scouts stand out as part of the Scouting movement?

Question Title

* 26. What makes Venturer Scouts stand out in public?

Question Title

* 27. How can Venturer Scouts be valued in the community?  Explain what could be done to promote our brand (what we are known for) and our reputation.

Area 6 - Leadership

Question Title

* 29. Why or why not? Comment in the box below

Question Title

* 30. What is the number one (1) skill you learn in Venturer Scouts? Comment and explain in the box below.

Question Title

* 31. Should Venturer Scouts be involved in decisions affecting the Venturer section in Qld?

Thanks for taking the time to fill in this survey.

You can contact myself or Chris Dunne (BC Venturers) at any time to discuss these topics.


Vicki Knopke

Branch Activity Leader (Venturers) Retention