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* 1. What is your Job title?

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* 2. Is your strategy devised in-house or do you bring out external consultants in putting in place a mobility strategy?

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* 3. Is your organisation currently rolling out a mobility strategy?

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* 4. Who within your company makes decisions on IT investment?

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* 5. What are the greatest challenges for mobility in 2016?

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* 6. What does your mobility framework encompass?

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* 7. Has the oil price downturn adversely affected your mobility strategy?

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* 8. Does the oil price downturn present an opportunity for technology to streamline processes for cost savings?

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* 9. In which part of the oil and gas industry will mobile devices have the greatest impact?

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* 10. Which device strategy are you employing at your organisation?

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* 11. But will mobility actually see the right amount of attention and investment to make a difference to this in 2016?

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* 12. Would you be interested in hearing more about the Oil and Gas Mobility Summit?

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* 13. Your details