Seeking Consumer Advisory Board Members

Who We Seek:

We seek consumers and advocates experienced in dealing with health conditions. We need a diverse and balanced mix of participants, and will consider life experience, individual circumstances, source of health insurance, and race or ethnicity. Candidates should be comfortable sharing views, have good problem-solving skills, and be willing to work with others.
Serving as a Consumer Advisory Board (CAB) member provides opportunity to learn about health care in Connecticut, to advocate for change, and to be the voice of the consumer.
What the Consumer Advisory Board Does:
  • Provides advice and guidance on healthcare innovation policies
  • Recommends consumer representatives to the State Innovation Model (SIM) advisory groups
  • Ensures meaningful consumer participation in healthcare policy decisions
  • Engages consumers and promotes community input in SIM health care innovation planning and implementation

Consumer Advisory Board Mission
To advocate for people and provide strong public and consumer input in Connecticut health reform policies.

Consumer Advisory Board Vision
To ensure that state healthcare innovations lead to positive health outcomes and fairness for community members across Connecticut.
About the State Innovation Model
The State Innovation Model (SIM) initiative is a Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) effort to support the development and implementation of state-led, multi-payer healthcare payment and service delivery model reforms that will promote healthier people, better care, and smarter spending in participating states. In 2014 Connecticut received a $45 million State Innovation Model (SIM) grant from CMMI to implement a multi-faceted strategy to improve the health outcomes and healthcare spending trajectory of the state, as well as to improve the sizeable health disparities that continue to persist. Over a four year period (2015-2019) Connecticut’s SIM proposes to improve Connecticut’s healthcare system for the majority of residents. The CAB was established as one of three governing bodies for this process.

The CAB's major role is to promote and provide consumer involvement in this transformation. Under the SIM Model Test grant awarded December 2014, the CAB membership increased and its activities expanded.

CAB Member Responsibilities
The CAB meets monthly from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the Hartford area, and schedules are posted on the SIM web site. Members are expected to attend these meetings in person, via phone, or with video conference. Members may also have the opportunity to serve on CAB subcommittees and other SIM work groups, or to participate in educational and listening sessions..

To learn more about the CAB and our activities, contact Jeannina Thompson.