Here at DC Greens,  we believe our connection to the community we serve is essential and a powerful vehicle for bringing about changes that will improve the overall health and state of our community and its members.

Engagement is a non stop process that will have some leading topics at points, but will always be open as a two-conversation. 

Take our survey! We want to continue to hear from you. 

Question Title

* 1. What is the best way to involve the community and get advice from the community for our programs?

Question Title

* 2. What is the best way to update the community about our work or about other advocacy activities?

Question Title

* 3. Are there organizations that we should work with to increase our ability to accomplish our goals?

Our goals as an organization are as follows: 
1. Embed food access and education as a priority for the government of the District of
2. Build pathways for leadership, ownership and decision-making for those most impacted
by inequalities in our food system
3. Cultivate culturally relevant and dignified spaces for people to grow, access and
purchase food
4. Provide inputs into larger networks of food system change
5. Formalize internal processes and increase transparency in our work
6. Create a stronger and more varied supporter network

Question Title

* 4. How can we best partner with and enable community members to advocate for community needs?

Question Title

* 5. What is important for us to know about the ways we can successfully engage with residents?

Our engagement lines are still open! We are here and open to your feedback. Connect in any way you feel comfortable. 

Call and leave us a message at 202-818-8651, or send us an email at

Thank you!