Together, we can love 1 million women toward Jesus Christ by 2025!

We know you have a heart to reach women with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! And we know that it is not all about the numbers; it is about seeing women find the hope and love we have found through Christ. This survey will help you celebrate how you are courageously sharing and help us know how we can better walk beside you. 
Next, consider how you personally have reached out to engage nonbelievers in friendship and conversation in the last 3 months.

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* 6. Your story matters and can encourage the Stonecroft family as we share Jesus. Write here a current story about sharing your faith or how you are seeing women reconciled to God through Jesus Christ.

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* 7. How likely is it that you would recommend Stonecroft Ministries Inc. to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

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* 8. How can we pray for you?

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* 9. Would you like a member of Stonecroft staff to contact you?

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* 10. Contact Information

Thank you for telling us about the ways you are loving women toward Jesus!