Jonas Hazard Mitigation Grant Workshop

Avalon, Ocean City, Sea Isle City and Stone Harbor are offering two workshops for property owners interested in mitigating their flood-vulnerable properties via structural elevation.   Please sign up for one of these workshops being offered as follows:
·   March 25, 2017 – 10:00am:  City Hall, 233 John F. Kennedy Blvd., Sea Isle City
·   April 1, 20176 – 10:00am:  Ocean City Free Public Library, 1735 Simpson Avenue, Ocean City
All information regarding this opportunity shall be maintained at the following website throughout the program:

Property owners who wish to participate in this program are required to provide the following (forms available on the Jonas Grant Program website noted above):

·         Affidavit (notary required)*
·         Notice of Voluntary Interest*
·         FEMA Model Acknowledgement of Conditions (notary required)*
·         FEMA Declaration and Release Form*
·         Elevation Cost Estimate
·         Four pictures of property taken from each side
·         Proof of current flood insurance (if available)
·         NFIP Elevation Certificate (if available)
 * The names and signatures of ALL owners on the current property deed required on this form.

Question Title

* 1. Property Owner Contact Information:

Question Title

* 2. Physical address of property to be mitigated:

Question Title

* 3. I plan to attend the following workshop: