Thank you for your interest in joining WIN, our exclusive networking opportunity to empower women in the insurance industry to lead, inspire and mentor.  While there is no fee to join WIN, participation is limited to women working in IIANC member agencies* meeting at least one of the following criteria:
  • Independent insurance agency owner
  • Hold a senior management position/role within an independent insurance agency such as CEO, President, Vice President, COO or Managing Partner
  • A spouse or partner of an independent insurance agency owner and is involved in executive level agency management and/or daily agency operations
  • Acknowledged in an independent insurance agency’s perpetuation plan as a future agency owner   
*If your agency is not a member of IIANC, you are invited to join us at one networking event as our guest to learn more about WIN and the many other opportunities available through IIANC membership.

If you meet the eligibility requirements and are interested in joining WIN, please complete the form below. IIANC will review your request and contact you directly to confirm participation.

Contact Rebecca Shigley at with questions.

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* 1. Full Name:

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* 2. Agency:

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* 3. City:

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* 4. Email Address:

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* 5. Cell Phone Number (to receive text updates):

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* 6. Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY):

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* 7. Please mark the WIN eligibility criteria that applies to you:

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* 8. What is your job title in the agency?

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* 9. What is your role in the agency/company?

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* 10. Years Experience in Insurance Industry

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* 11. Your Coverage Focus: (mark all that apply)

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* 12. Your Race-Ethnicity:

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* 13. Please share other comments or feedback that are pertinent to your eligibility for WIN.