Our company is applying for membership in the National Fluid Power Association (NFPA). In return for services and benefits we receive from NFPA, we agree that we will abide by the bylaws of NFPA and all other rules and regulations established by the NFPA Board of Directors.

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* 1. Company Information

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* 2. Submitted by:

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* 3. Referred by:

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* 4. We have reviewed the NFPA membership types and definitions at www.nfpa.com and are applying for the following NFPA membership:

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* 5. Company Description: using descriptive rather than promotional terms, summarize the products and services your company provides or the type of business your company conducts. This description will be posted in the NFPA Membership Directory on the NFPA website.

Primary Contacts: All your company's employees are entitled to participate in association events and receive our communications. We strive to target key programs and benefits to a broad range of contacts in your company. By providing the following information you will help ensure your company gets the most from its membership. Additional contacts can be added at any time by contacting NFPA Membership Manager, Denise Husenica at dhusenica@nfpa.com or 414-778-3354.

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* 6. Official Company Representative (OCR): The primary link between member company and NFPA. The OCR receives all governance ballots and association correspondence.

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* 7. Marketing Representative (MKT): Engages in NFPA's marketing and market information services, and receives market information reports.

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* 8. Primary Technical/Engineering Representative (TECH): Your company's point of contact for Technology Roadmapping activity and information, and Technical Standards development.

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* 9. Human Resources/Workforce Contact: A person at your compnay who will engage with NFPA's workforce development programs. These programs are aimed at encouraging students at various educational levels to learn about fluid power and consider careers with NFPA member companies.

Thank you for your interest in NFPA membership. We look forward to further contact with you and your designated contacts. Please contact Denise Husenica, NFPA's Membership Manager (dhusenica@nfpa.com/414-778-3354) to add more contact people and for help in accessing member benefits and services.