Question Title

* 1. Should vocational, technical and agricultural education programs be expanded in Tennessee’s K-12 schools to ensure students who do not plan to attend college have the skills they need to succeed?

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* 2. Do you favor reforming the state’s Basic Education Program (BEP), the funding formula through which state education dollars are generated and distributed to Tennessee schools?

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* 3. Do you believe there are too many high stakes assessments (achievement tests which carry serious consequences for educators and students) in Tennessee’s K-12 schools?

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* 4. Do you agree that parents should be allowed to take back their tax dollars and send their child to the private or public school of their choice? (choose answer that best aligns with your point of view)

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* 5. Should teachers be allowed to carry a gun in the classroom? (Choose answer that best aligns with your point of view)

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* 6. Which of the following options best align with your view on medical cannabis (marijuana)?

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* 7. Many states have asked the federal government for more flexibility to control their Medicaid programs through block grants due to the rules imposed by the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Do you favor allowing states to adopt their own solutions for their Medicaid programs through block grants which give the state more control over the program (I.e. costs, work requirements, etc).”?

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* 8. Lung Cancer is killing thousands of Tennesseans each year. The leading cause of lung cancer is smoking. 95% of smokers start before the age of 21. Would you support legislation that increased the age to 21 for smoking tobacco and vaping?

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* 9. New laws were passed in the 2018 general assembly to limit the number of opiate prescriptions dispensed in Tennessee. Even though it is early do you still consider opiate addiction in your community to be …

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* 10. Do you support legalizing online sports gambling in Tennessee?

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* 11. Are you satisfied with Tennessee’s current road system?

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* 12. Which of the following best align with your point of view in regards to the integrity of our current election system in Tennessee?

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* 13. What are the three most important issues facing Tennessee right now? (Choose 3)