Dear Participant,

I am Kirsty Farrugia, a university student currently reading for a Masters in Gender, Society and Culture at the University of Malta. As part of my course requirements, I am conducting a research study entitled: An exploration of the perception of individuals within the lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) community on Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence (SSIPV) under the supervision of Dr Marceline Naudi ( and Ms Beverley Abela Gatt (

This dissertation aims to explore the LGB community’s perception, understanding, and awareness of SSIPV for the first time locally; create a ‘picture’ and hear the voices of the LGB community on SSIPV.

Individuals who identify as lesbian, gay and bisexual and are over 18 years old are encouraged to answer this questionnaire. The participation of individuals within the LGB community is highly appreciated. The questionnaire should take 10-15 minutes to complete. All responses are anonymous and will be collated responses and therefore I will not be able to identify who replied in what way to which question. Furthermore, all the data collected will be password protected. The data will be destroyed 6 months after the examination. Furthermore, the data will be accessible only by the researcher and the supervisors.

Participation is voluntary and you can choose to not continue replying to the questionnaire at any point prior to clicking on ‘submit’ at the end of the questionnaire. 

No benefits will be given to the participants within the study. Consent is given on initiation of the questionnaire after the participant reads and understands this information sheet.

Your participation would be highly appreciated and significant.

Should you have any queries, please contact me via email:

Għeżież Parteċipanti,

Jiena Kirsty Farrugia, studenta Universitarja u bħalissa qiegħda nagħmel il-Masters of Gender, Society and Culture fl-Università ta’ Malta. Bħala parti mir-rekwiżiti tal-kors tiegħi, qiegħda nwettaq studju ta’ riċerka bl-isem: Esplorazzjoni tal-perċezzjoni tal-individwi fil-komunità Leżbjana, Gay u Bisesswali (LGB) dwar il-Vjolenza mis-Sieħeb Intimu jew mis-Sieħba Intima tal-Istess Sess (SSIPV). Din ir-riċerka qiegħda ssir taħt is-superviżjoni ta’ Dr Marceline Naudi u Ms Beverley Abela Gatt. 

Għall-ewwel darba lokalment, id-dissertazzjoni għandha l-għan li tesplora l-perċezzjoni, il-fehim u l-għarfien tal-komunità LGB dwar il-Vjolenza mis-Sieħeb Intimu jew mis-Sieħba Intima tal-Istess Sess (SSIPV), li toħloq “stampa” ta’ u tagħti widna lill-komunità LGB fir-rigward tas-SSIPV.

Individwi li jidentifikaw ruħhom bħala leżbjani, gay u bisesswali u għandhom iktar minn tmintax-il sena huma mħeġġa jwieġbu dan il-kwestjonarju. Il-parteċipazzjoni ta’ individwi fil-komunità LGB hija apprezzata ħafna. Il-kwestjonarju għandu jieħu madwar 10 sa 15 minuta biex jitlesta. It-tweġibiet kollha huma anonimi, u għaldaqstant mhux se nkun nista nidentifika b’liema mod u kif ġew mwieġba, u d-data kollha miġbura se tkun protetta b’password. Id-data se titħassar 6 xhur wara li tiġi eżaminata. Iktar minn hekk, id-data se tkun aċċessibbli biss mir-riċerkatriċi u s-superviżuri.

Il-parteċipazzjoni hija volontarja u tista’ tagħżel li ma tkomplix twieġeb il-kwestjonarju fi kwalunkwe punt qabel ma tagħfas “submit” fi tmiem il-kwestjonarju.

Il-parteċipanti f’dan l-istudju mhuma se jingħataw l-ebda benefiċċju. Fil-bidu tal-kwestjonarju għandu jingħata kunsens, wara li l-parteċipanti jkunu qraw u fehmu l-fuljett ta’ informazzjoni.

Il-parteċipazzjoni tagħkom hija apprezzata ħafna u sinifikanti. F’każ li jkollkom xi mistoqsijiet, jekk jogħġobkom ibagħtuli email