Kerbside Collection Survey

In previous years, Council has conducted one annual kerbside collection program for the pickup of bulky waste and items from residences throughout the region. With the recent organisational re-structure, the kerbside collection has been re-assigned to the Regulatory Services department. In order to best provide a bulky waste disposal service, we are seeking the community’s input via a brief survey. The responses from the survey will help us with the planning of the service, assist with meeting the community’s needs, and identify improvements. We understand that not everyone will be able to complete the survey online, paper copies are available at our Council offices.
1.Which town do you live in?
2.What time of year do you think is best for kerbside pick-up? (We have provided some general reasons to consider)
3.If you were to use the kerbside collection service, what type of goods would you put out? Select as many options as you need:
4.Council offers free access to all refuse tips (dumps) and they are open 7 days (weather permitting). Considering this, should Council continue to offer a one-off kerbside collection program each year, or would a year-round pick up service be a better option?
5.How important is cost-effectiveness to you for waste collection services?
6.How often are you using Council’s refuse tip (dump) during the year?
7.Would you like to provide any other comments?
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered